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What Astrata Is

Digital Quality Focused

We are 100% focused on offering solutions to help health plans and ACOs transform HEDIS® and Quality operations to support value-based care and improve population health.

NLP-Assisted Abstraction

Chart Review, our best-in-class solution, saves months of abstraction time and millions in costs, helping you close gaps FAST so your quality teams can achieve prospective HEDIS®.

NLP Analytics for Intervention

Our Quality Navigator tool offers real-time NLP analytics for actionable, proactive quality intervention to help you get ahead of HEDIS®.

NCQA Data Aggregator Validation (DAV) Certified

Our products meet the industry gold standard for security and privacy.

What Astrata Isn't

Data Aggregator

We know great solution providers in this space and will work with your vendors of choice.

Traditional HEDIS Engine Provider

Our products seamlessly integrate with and supplement any legacy engine.

Risk Adjustment Focused

Many vendors support this, and we’re happy to work with the RA teams to maximize data use.

Staffing and Abstraction Service

We’re happy to supply a recommendation.


We’re domain experts and love to talk shop, but we’re not a consulting company.