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Astrata’s Next Generation QI-Core/FHIR-Based HEDIS® Engine

Astrata’s Next Generation FHIR-CQL-Based HEDIS® Engine

The next generation of digital measure packages from the NCQA takes advantage of robust, flexible, near-real-time source data that’s easier for providers to deliver throughout the year, and easier to combine, align, and compare across different health systems and provider networks. 

To extract the maximum benefit of digital quality, we re-imagined a HEDIS® engine from the ground up, to be FHIR first and natively ingest digital measure packages. This new generation of HEDIS® engine makes quick work of ingesting measure packages and ties them to emerging clinical events with higher-quality, more predictive EMR/HIE data. The cost of translating the paper spec to code is eliminated and this translates into lower costs for you.

You are no longer bound to bi-weekly or monthly HEDIS® runs, eMeasure is designed to support near real-time updates to your measure results as new data arrives. Achieve higher rates through the use of clinical data and fundamentally transform your digital quality operations to be more timely, accurate, and efficient.

Built for the Next Generation of Quality


Digital Measures


NLP Licensing & Certification


Allowable Adjustments


Admin &
Clinical Data

Key Benefits

Built for the Future

Designed to use NCQA’s digital measure packages, eMeasure can supplement and gradually replace traditional HEDIS® engines as NCQA releases new measures.


Built with NLP certification top of mind. Once certified, unstructured clinical data can be ingested and used like standard supplemental data to demonstrate compliance and target timely quality initiatives, population-wide.


Access gap lists, member-level results, and intermediate measure calculation results to plug into your own reporting and abstraction tools.

Fast, Efficient, Standardized

No more manually coding the HEDIS® spec: CQL logic automatically ties digital HEDIS® packages to allowable clinical events. The cost of translating the paper spec to code? You can pocket it.


Run any digital measure you want against any line of business. Use standard HEDIS® defaults, or easily configure runs for other reporting initiatives.


Designed with and for Quality professionals, eMeasure is resilient in the face of messy data, letting you know which data issues you can safely ignore and fix in subsequent runs.

NLP Insights

Source Systems

Inpatient EMR
Outpatient EMR



User Interface

Measure Execution

FHIR Repository & CQL Engine

Data Intergration


Astrata Chart Review

Astrata Monitor

Measure Rate Reports

Data Mart

  • Measures
  • Data Integration
  • Performance & Scale
  • Reporting & Topsight
  • User Interace

eMeasure will Support:

  • NCQA-Certified Digital Measure Packages
  • Custom FHIR CQL Measure Packages
  • Use Multiple Measure Versions

eMeasure will Support:

  • Flat File & Direct FHIR Integration
  • Admin Data Feeds such as Claims, Eligibility, Labs, & Pharmacy
  • Clinical FHIR Data Feeds
  • Patient Identity Resolution
  • Smart Data Loading & Processing Using Measure-Specific Strategies
  • Modern Scalable Architecture to Support Real-World Data Demands
  • Planned Testing on Systems with 4+ Million Members, 50+ Million Encounters, 90+ Million Procedures, 160+ Million Lab Results
  • Measure Rate Reporting for Populations by Measure, Plan Type, Coverage Type, Provider, Provider Group, & More
  • Member Level Intermediate Measure Calculation Output for Deeper Understanding of Measure Results
  • Reporting Output for Use in External Quality Data Marts
  • Coming Soon: Executive Dashboards with Population-Level Views & Drill-Down Details
  • User Management, Security, Administration, & HIPAA Reporting
  • Loading & Troubleshooting Data
  • Loading, Deleting, & Running Measure Packages
  • Creating Run Configurations Specifying Which Measures to Run, On Which Populations, With Which Data Sources, When, & How Often
  • Run Results & Reporting Dashboards

Allowable Adjustments

eMeasure is positioned to take advantage of next-gen HEDIS®Allowable Adjustments, letting health systems adjust measures for different reporting entities and health equity initiatives.