Case Study & ROI Analysis
Founded and led by physicians for 40 years, CDPHP is a locally-based, not-for-profit health plan with main service areas in the Albany and Hudson Valley regions. CDPHP Provides health care coverage to nearly 400,000 members across all lines of business (commercial, self-funded, and government programs) in 36 counties in upstate New York. CDPHP Value-based payments reward providers for quality performance, member experience, and desirable clinical outcomes.
As a high performing health plan (4.5 – 5 Stars for all product lines), CDPHP quality programs are data driven, and guided by the CDPHP Board of Directors and Quality Management Committee. “Drive to 5” is an enterprise-wide theme, encouraging employees to think about HEDIS as an everyday activity. As NCQA measures transitioned to more ECDS measures, CDPHP began using NLP to supplement data as a first step towards a full DQM solution.
CDPHP sought to leverage unstructured clinical data to enhance their quality improvement programs. CDPHP was already performing prospective HEDIS review across a smaller number of measures and members, using internally-developed natural language processing (NLP) software. However, scaling the internal solution to a larger number of members, across different measures and data formats was challenging. CDPHP selected Astrata’s Chart Review solution to take their prospective review program to the next level.
CDPHP first engaged Astrata in 2023 to help them scale their prospective HEDIS season. Over a period of 2 months in 2023, CDPHP closed over 15,000 gaps.
Agreement of CDPHP abstractors with gap identified by Astrata as compliant
Percentage of noncompliant member encounters that did not require manual record review by CDPHP abstractors
0.1%-11.1% – Measure Dependent
Unique additional HEDIS compliance from Astrata source obtained in 2023
Median Gaps Closed Per Hour With Chart Review
Gaps closed per hour (Historical, Without Chart Review)
CDPHP first engaged Astrata in 2023 to help them scale their prospective HEDIS season. Over a period of 2 months in 2023, CDPHP closed over 15,000 gaps.
CDPHP implemented the standard Astrata data flow using our cloud-based product. Astrata’s products are designed to fit cleanly into existing data flows, and integrate easily with any HEDIS engine.
Strategic measure and population selection is an important yearly activity for establishing a successful HEDIS prospective season
Percentage of gaps where abstractors agreed with the Astrata classification and were able to close the gap.. Percentage agreement directly correlates with the value of the product to a prospective review season.
Assesses False Positives and False Negatives using an annotated “gold standard” on customer data. Provides the most rigorous yearly assessment of NLP accuracy, and is used to monitor and increase accuracy for each customer prior to yearly release.
Percentage of Members, Gaps and Documents (encounters) that were triaged for review. Quantifies the reduced workload of using the Astrata Platform.
Speed of Gap Closure (gaps closed per hour) By Abstractors using the Chart Review product. Used to compare against baseline speed and model averted costs through marked efficiency gains.
Multiple mechanisms contribute to the increase in HEDIS rates observed when performing prospective review during the measurement year. Impact will be proportional to the fraction of population and data used.
Measures the unique rate impact of the Astrata implementation on a smaller dataset and population in Year 1, and then extrapolates impact across population.
Gaps closed by the CDPHP HEDIS engine as a percentage of the total data loaded. quantifies the reduced effort that must be expended on non-standard Supplemental (NSSD) Data source review compared to alternatives.
Colorectal Cancer Screening (COL) is important in preventing the second-leading cause of cancer death, and is a CMS Medicare Advantage Star Rating measure. Once a hybrid measure, Colorectal Cancer Screening (COL) is now “ECDS-only”. This measure is highly susceptible to under-measurement because of the long look-back period and prevalence of this data within free text fields and clinical notes.
A two percent increase in the COL rate represents over 2,200 members with a closed care gap, which supports gap list accuracy and prevents wasteful and unwarranted member outreach and provider attention.
Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity of Children/ Adolescents (WCC) is a a key NY state Medicaid measure that addresses the growing epidemic of childhood obesity. As of 2024, WCC remains an NCQA hybrid measure, abstracted yearly. However, improving pediatric health is a year-round effort at CDPHP.
CMS has set 2030 as the date for health insurers to transition to digital quality measurement, closely aligned with the goal for all Medicare and most Medicaid beneficiaries to be in an accountable care relationship by that time.
This timeline also aligns with ONC interoperability requirements. A complete digital quality platform supports faster, less-burdensome and more accurate healthcare quality measurement.